26 Komputer Maintenance Ceklist

Sebagai technical support banyak engineer yang sering lalai akan pekerjaanya dalam menjaga sistem komputer end user, dan kebanyakan permasalahan semakin lama seakan akan semakin menumpuk, hasilnya banyak periferal komputer yang menumpuk di meja IT, hal ini bisa terjadi karena kebanyakan technicall support tidak memaintain dengan benar komputer nya, berikut rangkuman maintenance ceklist yang harus diperiksa oleh ITTS, its fix!
Beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan untuk merawat pc anda agar dapat selalu bekerja dengan baik dan memiliki performa yang stabil, kesemuanya tersusun menjadi 26 ceklist, yang terdiri dari
System Startup:
  • Gunakan UPS, Ups itu penting untuk kehidupan komputer khususnya untuk melangsungkan backup nafas komputer sewaktu listrik mati, ataupun tegangan listrik nge drop, Keberadaan Ups dan Power Supply yang baik akan senantiasa menjaga komponen komponen komputer kita terjaga dengan baik, jadi kalau salah satu komponen komputer kita cepat rusak, jangan langsung menilai komponen tersebut tidak bagus.
  • Schedule Automate Update untuk Software – Software anda, seperti antivirus, antispyware, dan software software lain yang sifatnya update able, Untuk Windows bisa menggunakan AutoPatcher (manual Update).
  • Baca tiap tiap “maintenance section” dalam setiap hardware device yang kita maintain, dan kumpulkan dalam 1 list, cetak dan save.
  • Setup Email AutoArchive (bagi yang menggunakan Outlook) untuk email yang lama lama, dan set FIXED PATH untuk lokasi lokasi file di Komputer User (untuk memudahkan backup).
  • Gunakan Software Antivirus Update via internet untuk server dan set update nya ke network untuk client(windows is a must, Apple dan Linux bisa santai tampa AV)
  • Gunakan Software Antispyware, untuk server update ke internet dan set update nya ke network untuk client.
  • Simpan CD Driver di 1 tempat CD Sleeve, dan simpan Semua Driver di NAS untuk Direct Access.
  • Save di dalam Notepad Spesifikasi dokumentasi PC / Server (yang berlainan), gunakan Tools ini untuk memudahkan pekerjaan anda (dokumentasi).
Mingguan (bisa dilakukan di hari Jumat pas sholat jumat)
  • Lakukan Disk Scan Untuk mengecek kondisi harddisk, pada state ini, bisa dilakukan pada saat boot windows (manualnya dengan command prompt chkdsk Drive: /r/f).
  • Lakukan Defragmentasi pada disk (mengenai fragmentasi bisa dilihat di artikel saya sebelumnya)
  • Hapus file file yang tidak di perlukan, seperti cookies, windows temp, profile temp, offline access dan lainya, rangkum dalam 1 batch file untuk menghapus semua item ini, dan execute tiap mingguan.
  • Backup Files ke NAS / ke remote host (tergantung kebutuhan, Client boleh mingguan, server harian / jam an) ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan batch file (meminimalisasikan penggunaan software), untuk batch filenya bisa mengacu ke artikel saya sebelumnya mengenai mastering batch file.
  • Update Virus Definition (server)
  • Update Antispyware Definition (server)
  • Run Full Virus Scan di C: (untuk menghemat waktu)
  • Buat Weekly Report mengenai: Kerusakan Hardware, Disk Space Full, Insiden (ex: Host yang kena Virs, Spyware, software error, dll) dan item lain yang dianggap perlu (dokumentasi).
  • Cek Update Software / Patch dan Save ke dalam NAS
  • Delete atau Uninstall Program program yang tidak digunakan lagi
  • Buat Monthly Report Rangkuman dari Weekly Reportnya (Dokumentasi)
4 Bulanan (bisa di rolling / 4 bulanan berapa pc / sementara user menggunakan spare pc)
  • Bersihkan Keyboard
  • Bersihkan Layar Monitor
  • Bersihkan Peripheral
  • Bersihkan Komponen dalam komputer dari debu (kalau mau mudah pakai Vacuum)
  • Ganti dan Update Semua Password
  • Buat Rangkuman Monthly Report (Dokumentasi perubahan sistem dan konfigurasi)
  • Update Semua Software dan Hardware lalu analisa dari kegiatan rutin Mana yang perlu Improvement untuk meningkatkan Efektifitas kerja end user misalnya, meminimalisasikan pekerjaan yang spesifik dengan tools tertentu, Menghilangkan pekerjaan pekerjaan yang sifatnya rutin dan lainya.
  • Yearly Report.
Semoga dengan ceklist ini tidak ada yang miss, umur hardware jadi lebih baik, dan semuanya bisa di maintain dengan tepat, misalnya kapan saat penggantian, kapan saat upgrade, dan seterusnya, sehingga kecelakaan / incident terhadap kerusakan perangkat bisa di perkecil jumlahnya.
Artikel ini dirangkum dan disempurnakan dari:

Tutorial SSH Sederhana

Tutorial SSH, Putty, Linux.  SSH merupakan command promt (cmd) -nya Linux.  Melalui inilah biasanya perusahaan webhosting melakukan command di server-nya karena lebih cepat dan lebih mudah. Namun fatalnya adalah bila salah perintah (command) maka tidak bisa di undo.  Berikut ini perintah-perintah serderhana dalam SSH :
Catatan : Nama file di isi dengan file anda :
1.  Membaca file (cat)
  • cat  –> membaca file
  • vi  –> membaca file
contoh :  cat index.php (membaca isi file index.php)
2. Membuat file ( vi )
vi bisa digunakan untuk membaca file yang sudah terbuat dan bisa juga untu  membuat file yang belum ada
Contoh : vi index.php (membuat file index.php)
3.  Menghapus file atau folder (rm)
contoh :  rm index.php (menghapus file index.php)
rm namafolder (mengapus folder)
rm -rf namafolder (mengapus folder dan semua isi di dalamnya)
4.  Merubah nama file (mv)
contoh :  mv index.php index2.php (merubah index.php menjadi index2.php)
5.  Memindah file (mv)
contoh :  mv index.php lokasi_folder  (memindah index.php ke folder lain)
mv bisa juga digunakan untuk merubah nama file sekaligus menindah ke lokasi lain.
contoh : mv backup.tar.gz public_html/
memindahkan file backup.tar.gz ke folder public_html
6.  Membuat folder (mkdir)
contoh : mkdir berita (membuat folder berita)
7.  Melihat file dan folder (ll atau ls -al)
contoh : ll atau  ls -al (bila sudah masuk dalam folder tertentu langsung tulis ll atas ls -al)
8.  Pindah folder , directory (cd)
contoh : cd berita (masuk ke folder berita),  cd .. (kembali ke folder sebelumnya)
cd /home (masuk ke folder home, biasanya setelah masuk di server root terus ke home)
9.  MengEkstrak  .zip dan tar.qz (unzip dan tar -xvzf)
contoh : unzip berita.zip (mengekstrak atau unzip berita.zip)
contoh :  tar -xvzf  berita.tar.gz (mengekstrak file tar.gz)
10.  Membuat zip folder, membuat folder menjadi tar.gz
contoh :  tar -czf hasil.tar.gz *   (membuat folder isi folder (*) yang saat ini berada menjadi hasil.tar.gz ) jadi bila perintah tersebut dijalankan di folder public_html maka akan terbuat zip (tar.gz) dari folder public_html, tanda bintang * menunjukkan semua isi dalam folder yg aktif.
11.  Mendownload database dari server
contoh : mysqldump nama_database > hasil.sql
(mendownload sql database nama_wrdp1 dan hasil downloadannya bernama hasil.sql)
12.  Menimport (dump/upload) database
contoh :  mysql -p -u user_db nama_db < hasil.sql
(database hasil.sql diletakkan di public_html lalu untuk upload dengan nama command tersebut)
Ada pula yang menggunakan ini untuk download :
mysql -p -u otoins1_wpnew otoins1_wpnew < otoins1_wrdp1.sql
Sedangkan Upload diganti arah panahnya > :
mysql -p -u otoins1_wpnew otoins1_wpnew > otoins1_wrdp1.sql
12.  Memindahkan database dari server 1 ke server lain
scp -P 3322 /home/domain2/public_html/hasil.sql root@nama.serverbaru.com:/home/sinarwe1/public_html/berita
(memindahkan file yang hasil.sql yang terletak di serer lama  /home/domain2/public_html/ ke server baru yang bernama nama.serverbaru.com dan diletakkan di /home/sinarwe1/public_html/berita)
13.  Mencari kata dalam file yang sudah diketahui letak filenya( / )
contoh :  vi.configuration.php (buka file), lalu ketik /password –>(mencari kata password dalam file configuration.php)
14.  Mencari kata dalam file yang BELUM diketahui letak filenya( / )
contoh :  grep -R “kata-kata” .   –> (mencari kata-kata didalam folder sekarang (.) danĂ‚  termasuk sub-sub folder (-R) dan kita belum tahu di file mana kata tersebut ada)
Titik ndibelakang untuk menunjukkan lokasi pencarian :
( . ) menunjukjan di folder sekarang
( .. ) di folder atasnya
( ./admin )  di folder admin
15 . Mencari letak file dalam sebuah folder (find . -name)
contoh :  find . -name “admin*”  (mencari letak file admin.apa  extensi tidak tahu sehingga ditulis tanda *, adapun tanda titik (.) menunjukkan letak folder posisi sekarang).
contoh : find . -name admin.php (mencari letak file admin.php)
contoh lain : locate namafile (mencari telak file namafile (tidak harus dengan ektensi)
16.  Mengakses website lewat SSH (lynx)
contoh : lynx sinarweb.com
17.  Melihat Mass mail (pengiriman email massal) disebuah website
contoh : grep sinarwe1 /var/log/exim_mainlog | wc -l
Kadang command SSH sederhana ini bisa terlupa bila jarang menggunakannya, dan begitu terlupa butuh waktu lama untuk mencari catatan, maka tutorial yang sederhana ini saya tulis sebagai catatan.
18. Mengetahui Besar file di folder (du -sh)
Contoh : du -sh wp-content -> melihat besar file dalam folder wp-content
19. Mengetahui Besar file zip (du -lh)
Contoh : du -sh backup.tar.gz -> melihat besar file backup.tar.gz
20.  Pindah directory (cd ~namadirectory)
Contoh :  cd ~sinarweb  -> pindah ke folder sinarweb, tanpa cd /home
21.  Membuktikan adanya massmail :
cat/var/log/exim_mainlog | grep usercpanelnya
22.  Mengetahui Jumlah Massmail :
grep usercpanelnya /var/log/exim_mainlog | wc -l
23. Cara membuka Blokir Forbidden:
chattr i public_html  (change attibute imune,  i = imune/ biar tidak bisa di rm)
chmod 750 public_html
chmod 755 folder yang di blokir
24. Remote Desktop dari komputer linux
rdesktop -u printer -f     keterangan :  IP yg mau diremote
25. Membuat file .zip
zip whatever.zip *     (tanda bintang menunjukkan semua file yang ada di currently folder)
zip -r whatever.zip   (-r menunjukkan semua file dan folder semua di zip)3
zip -r whatever.zip html  (html adalah target folder yg akan di zip)
yang biasa saya pakai untuk backup data website adalah :   zip -r whatever.zip *
Keterangan : whatever.zip adalah nama file hasil zip anda.
26. Tunggu Selanjutnya

Ridge Racer Unbounded v1.13


Ridge Racer Unbounded v1.13 Update-SKIDROW
Scene group SKIDROW released Update v1.13 of Ridge Racer Unbounded for PC.

Read changelog.txt for information on updated content!

20-06-2012........Release Date <-> Protection...............Steam
Racer................Game Type <-> Disk(s)....................DOX

Release name: Ridge.Racer.Unbounded.v1.13.Update-SKIDROW
Size: 19.6 MB

Install Notes
1. Unpack release
2. Run Ridge.Racer.Unbounded.v1.13.Update.exe
3. Install
4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder to the main install folder and overwrite
5. Play the game


Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier


Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier v1.2 Update-SKIDROW
Scene group SKIDROW released Update v1.2 of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for PC. Read the changelog here and enjoy!

Patch 1.2 Changes
Improved stability in online multiplayer matches
Improved voice chat quality for PCs running Windows Vista
Improved navigation through game s menus
Introduced 6-man party system in the multiplayer game mode
Balanced several weapons (assault rifles, SMSGs, handguns, shotguns)
Balanced equipment (grenades, flash bang, EMP, stun guns, number of
drones in match)
Adjusted aim sensitivity and quick scope
Fixed map exploits
Adjusted melee
Adjusted XP values
Several technical / network improvements

Release name: Tom.Clancys.Ghost.Recon.Future.Soldier.v1.2.Update-SKIDROW
Size: 38 MB

Install Notes
1. Unpack the release
2. Run GRFS_1.2.exe and install
3. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
4. Start game and you will be presented with the Ubisoft login screen Username is of course SKIDROW, leave it like that Type anything as password, just make sure its atleast 6-8 characters long and put a mark in "remember me"
5. Hit the Play button!
6. Play the game

NOTE : Make sure all Game and Ubisoft Launcher processes are blocked on firewall.


Wargame European Escalation Update 1-RELOADED


Wargame European Escalation Update 1-RELOADED
Scene group RELOADED released Update 1 of Wargame: European Escalation for PC. This updates fixes some bugs and gameplay issues and a lot of tuning. Read the full changelog here and enjoy!

== Adding a new map :  Mecklenburg
== Adding a new game mode :  Conquest . Seven maps will be available
for this mode, including  Mecklenburg , which can be played both against
humans or AI
== Adapting two more actual maps for the  Siege  mode :  Hold until
relieved  &  None shall pass
== New game lobby interface (multi & skirmish
== Better visibility of the number of people in the ranked games
== Major tuning patch (see below

== Fixing a bug causing a crash when a game host leave the lobby
== Fixing a bug causing a crash when using custom flares
== Fixing some rare bugs (when a command unit of the edge of a
zone is forced to move into another, when loading infantry under fire
into a transport, during some solo campaign's briefings,
== Fixing a graphic bug on map  Mlada Boleslav  (solo campaign
&  Open Range  /  Duel Field  (multi). Therefore the patch's weight


= All flamethrowers are now restricted to direct fire. It means they
need a LOS on target to fire
= All flamethrowers are now able to auto fire
= Aiming time for all flamethrowers decreased

= Aiming time for all ATGM decreased
= Fire range for all ATGM have been increased of 175m, except for both
M47 Dragon

= 23mm ammunitions loadout for the Soviet ZSU-23-4V Shilka & NVA FlaKPz
Shilka decreased from 4.000 to 2.000 rounds
= Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m
= Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 3 to 4

= Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m
= Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 4 to 5

= Fire range of the ZSU-23-4M2 Biryusa increased from 1.575m to 1.925m

= Replacing the actual (NATO ?) rocket pods of the MI-2URN with a correct
16-rockets S-5 57mm pod

= Accuracy of the FJB-40's Strela-2 increased from 4 to 8 (on par with
the SAS & Rangers' Redeyes

= Accuracy of the MT-LB Strela-10 increased from 4 to 6
= Aiming time of the MT-LB Strela-10 decreased

= Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-M & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-M
decreased from 35 to 30
= Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-P & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P
decreased from 45 to 40

= Price of the Soviet BM-21 Grad & NVA MFRW BM-21 decreased from
80 to 70
= Price of the CSLA RM-70 & NVA MFRW RM-70 decreased from
150 to 130

= Fire range of the obsolete 85mm gun of the Polish T-34/85M1 & NVA KPz
T-34/85 decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m

= Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz
PT-76B decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m
= Price of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz PT-76B decreased from 30 to 25

= Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-71 decreased
from 1.925 to 1.500m
= Price of the Soviet PT-71 decreased from 35 to 30

= Fire range of the following MBT's main gun increased from
1.925m to 2.100m
T-64A & T-64B

= The following ATGMs' AP value is increased
Falanga from AP 10 to 12
Fleyta from AP 10 to 12
Malyutka from AP 10 to 11
Malyutka-M from AP 10 to 11
Malyutka-P from AP 10 to 12
Bastion from AP 10 to 12
Sheksna from AP 10 to 12
Kobra from AP 11 to 13
Svir from AP 11 to 14
Refleks from AP 11 to 15
Fagot from AP 10 to 11
Konkurs from AP 10 to 12
Konkurs-M from AP 11 to 14
Kokon from AP 11 to 14
Ataka V from AP 11 to 14

= Fire range of the US M109 decreased from 18.200m to 14.000m
(does not affect the Bundeswehr variant
= Price of the US M109 decreased from 50 to 40
(does not affect the Bundeswehr variant

= Size of the British FV102 Striker changed from "Small" to "Normal
= Speed and maniability of the SwingFire increased

= Price of the French MILAN F2 team increased from 20 to 25

= Price of the German Panzergrenadiers decreased from 35 to 30

= Blindicide (German Jger)'s caliber changed to 83mm
(no gameplay effect, just a realistical change

= Availability of the US M132 Zippo increased from 8 to 12

= Stabilizer of the US MBT-70 changed from "None" to "Bad

= Price of the German SPz 11-2 Kurz decreased from 35 to 30

= Speed of the British Saracen increased from 65km/h to 70km/h

= Price of the US V-150 90mm decreased from 50 to 45

= Speed of the British FV432 Rarden increased from 45km/h to 50km/h

= Replacing the Marder 1A3's actual MILAN F1 with a MILAN F2

= Price of the US ATGM jeep M151A2 I-TOW increased from 25 to 30

= Price of the French ATGM team MILAN F1 increased from 15 to 20
= Price of the French ATGM team MILAN F2 increased from 20 to 25

= Price of the US ATGM team M47 Dragon decreased from 15 to 10
= Price of the US ATGM team M47 Dragon II decreased from 20 to 15

= Fire range of the following MBT's main gun increased from 1.925m
to 2.100m
Leopard 1A4 & Leopard 1A5
Chieftain Mk.10
M1 Abrams & IPM1 Abrams
AMX-30B Valoris & AMX-30B2
M60A3 Patton & Super M60

= The following ATGMs' AP value is increased
Shillelagh from AP 10  11
Shillelagh-C from AP 10  12
TOW from AP 10  12
I-TOW from AP 11  14
TOW 2 from AP 12  15
HOT 1 from AP 11  13
HOT 2 from AP 12  15
MILAN F1 from AP 10  12
MILAN F2 from AP 12  15
Swingfire from AP 11  13
SS-11 from AP 10  12
Hellfire from AP 13  16

Release name: Wargame.European.Escalation.Update.1-RELOADED
Size: 516.91 MB

Install Notes
1. Unrar into your directory, overwriting existing files.
2. Play the game.


Prototype 2 PC FLT

Scene group FLT released a new action game Prototype 2 for PC. aYou are Sgt. James Heller, a soldier left to die, distraught husband to a deceased wife and father to a dead son. You are infected. There is one thing left to do — hunt down and kill Alex Mercer. Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon in Prototype 2. Cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a genetic arsenal of all-new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to murder your maker and the devil himself, Alex Mercer. Witness building-size infected beasts ambush entire city streets. Glide and parkour across the cityscape. Take on swarms of highly trained Blackwatch soldiers. Step into the role of Sgt. James Heller, and hunt, kill and become anybody who stands in your way to absorb memories and gain new abilities. Wield the unbelievable Tendril power that allows you to lift and tear apart cars and military vehicles, ensnare powerful infected beasts and shred groups of enemies to pieces. Track down your enemies by emitting sonar pulses from your body. Choose from a wide variety of new Mutation perks, including better locomotion abilities, sharper claws and enhanced disguise abilities, to build and customize the ultimate Prototype. The virus has left the city in ruins, but it’s not going to stop you from achieving your goal. Unleash the true power of infection raging within you and kill Alex Mercer.


    Play as the all-new infected protagonist, Sgt. James Heller, soldier and husband to a deceased wife and child, in this sequel to the popular open-world game, Prototype
    Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon as you cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a vast genetic arsenal of deadly new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to kill Alex Mercer
    Take down the devil himself, Alex Mercer, against the explosive backdrop of New York Zero and its warring factions fighting for control over the infection
    Explore New York Zero’s three distinct zones, including the heavily militarized Green Zone, the overcrowded refugee camps of the quarantined Yellow Zone and the war-ravaged home of Alex Mercer, the Red Zone
    Unleash the ultimate form of shape-shifting devastation and take advantage of the unbelievable Tendril power that lets you lift and tear apart cars and military vehicles, ensnare powerful infected beasts and shred large groups of enemies to pieces
    Mix and match an impressive range of new Mutation perks, including bigger and faster locomotion abilities, sharper claws and enhanced disguise abilities, to create your own ultimate Prototype
    Disguise yourself as soldiers, scientists and more to absorb their memories and acquire new abilities
    Emit a powerful sonar pulse from your body to track down enemies
    Experience the unparalleled technology of the Titanium 2.0 engine


Genre: Action
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Radical Entertainment

Release Name: Prototype_2-FLT
Size: 8.87 GB

Install Notes
* Burn or mount
* Install the game using our installer in \Fairlight\ on Disc 1
* Copy the crack manually from Disc 2 or autoapply it at the end of the setup
* Play the game

http://netfolder.in/js8edYZ/Prototype 2-FLT

Inversion Update 1-SKIDROW

Inversion Update 1-SKIDROW

Inversion Update 1-SKIDROW
First update for this TPS edited by Namco.A bad game.

Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: Saber Interactive
Genre: Third-Person Shooter
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Run Inversion.Update.1.exe
3. Install
4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder to the main install folder and overwrite
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Release name: Inversion.Update.1-SKIDROW
Size: 43MB in 10F


Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise

Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise RIP-Unleashed

Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise RIP-Unleashed
Unleashed with the Rip’d release (english only).Taking its inspiration from ancient Chinese tales of revenge and retribution and then adding a dash of over-the-top martial arts and old school arcade fun, Kung Fu Strike features 28 stages of fast-paced combo-based fighting. Blend powerful punches, high kicks and perfectly timed blocks to pull off devastating combos, all thanks to a fluid combat system that turns brawling into an art form.

Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise

Old-school beat-‘em-up arcade appeal!
Unlock items and abilities to further customize style of play.
Online leaderboards breed competition between players.
Later levels will challenge your Kung Fu on even the lowest difficulty setting.
Freely flowing combat mechanics allow jaw-dropping combos.
Fight with or against a friend in local co-op.

Kung Fu Strike The Warriors Rise

Publisher: Digital Tribes
Developer: Qooc Software
Genre: Action, Indie

Install Notes:
Burn/mount, install, copy crack, play!

Release name: Kung.Fu.Strike.The.Warriors.Rise-TiNYiSO
Size: 604MB in 43F


Be Richest v1.0-TE

Be Richest v1.0-TE

Be Richest v1.0-TE
Scene group TE released a new bigfish game Be Richest. A city is left in ruin at the hands of a corrupt official, and you have been called in to rebuild it in this exciting new installment of the Be Rich franchise! Build and restore homes and businesses, keep residents safe and happy, and bring the city’s crooked former mayor to justice as you develop your own business empire. Find out if you have what it takes to Be Richest!


    Addicting Gameplay
    Fabulous Upgrades

Release name: Be.Richest.v1.0-TE
Size: 241 MB

Install Notes
Install Setup.exe.  Crack is preinstalled, launch the game from the shortcut.


Hero Academy PC OUTLAWS

Hero Academy PC OUTLAWS

Hero Academy PC OUTLAWS
Scene group OUTLAWS with the PC Windows version/release of this popular iOS game. Test your skills in this light-hearted battle between friends! Heroic teams have gathered to engage in friendly contests on the Academy playfields. Will your team emerge triumphant? Enter a world of swords and magic, and challenge friends old and new to a contest of tactics and skill. From the human Council to the mysterious Dark Elves, every team needs a fearless captain to lead them to victory. Only those that leverage their team’s strengths and capitalize on their opponent’s weaknesses will protect their crystal and win the day. The Academy extends a warm welcome to all – whether they’re already heroes, or simply heroes in training!

Challenge friends on Steam or iOS to asynchronous one-on-one battles via online multiplayer. Play a heated bout in twenty minutes or across a full day, whenever you have a few moments. You can play all of your Hero Academy matches at your desk, on your iPad, or on the go with your iPhone! When you purchase the game on Steam you’ll unlock an exclusive heroic team featuring the mercenaries from Valve’s Team Fortress 2.


    Highly accessible turn-based gameplay
    Easy to learn – jump right in and play!
    Play with your Steam friends or random opponents
    Colorful light-hearted graphics and sound
    Random playfields keeps battles fresh!
    Get started with the Council and Team Fortress 2 teams
    Expand your roster with additional teams!
    Customize your team


Publisher: Robot Entertainment
Developer: Robot Entertainment
Genre: Strategy, Indie

Release name: Hero.Academy-OUTLAWS
Size: 139MB in 28F

Install Notes
1.) Unpack and install
2.) Run Installer.exe, cracked content is preinstalled.


Membuat MultiBoot USB 7/XP/Hirent

hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com 

Untuk menggabungkan Hiren’s BootCD, Windows XP, & Windows Vista/7 dalam satu flash disk, ikuti cara berikut: Yang perlu disiapkan:
1. Hiren’s BootCD (disarankan versi 9.7 keatas)
2. CD Installer Windows XP (rekomendasi SP3)
3. DVD Installer Windows Vista/Windows7
4. USB_MultiBoot_10
NB: Untuk Software USB Multiboot & GRUB4DOS bisa anda copy file masternya dari Hiren’s boot cd nya.
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Integrasi Windows XP
1. Ektsrak USB MultiBoot 10 ke hardisk (mis di C:\USB_MultiBoot_10\). Masukkan CD Windows XP kedalam CD/DVD drive atau mount dengan PowerISO atau DaemonTools.
2. Colokkan UFD kemudian dari dalam folder USB_MultiBoot_10, jalankan file USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd. (lihat gambar no.1)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com
gambar no.1 : USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd
3. Akan muncul jendela prompt Windows, tekan sembarang tombol untuk mulai (Press any key to continue…).
4. Berikutnya adalah memformat flash disk USB. Ada 2 tool yg disediakan untuk memformat flash disk anda:
- PeToUSB : flash disk masimal 2GB, dengan system file FAT.
- HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool : Flash disk diatas 2GB dengan system file FAT & NTFS.
5. Pilih jenis tool utk format FD-nya (saya pake HP USB Disk Storage) lalu tekan tombol “H” & tekan ENTER. (lihat gambar no.2)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.2 : HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.3 : Pilih system file dalam hal ini NTFS
6. Pastikan nama Flash disk USB sdh tertera pada kotak Device HP USB Disk Storage Format dan pilih system file NTFS supaya proses instalasi dari FD jauh lebih cepat. Kalau sudah siap, tekan tombol Start. Tekan tombol Yes untuk pertanyaan message-box dari tool HP USB.
7. Kalau proses format sudah selesai, klik tombol “Close”dan anda akan diantar ke jendela berikut: (lihat gambar no.4)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.4 : Menentukan Lokasi Windows XP
- Tekan angka “1” pada keyboard lalu tekan ENTER. Pilih lokasi drive Windows XP. (lihat gambar no.5)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.5 : Letak Windows XP
- Klik tombol Yes pada kotak Unattended Install ? – XP Setup UserData in winnt.sif and $OEM$yg muncul. Selanjutnya silakan isi informasi nama user, organisasi, product key XP, nama komputer, password, dsb sama seperti melakukan instalasi normal dari CD installer XP. Jadi, nanti tidak perlu lagi mengisi data2 instalasi saat menginstal XP dari Flash disk.(lihat gambar no.6)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.6 : Unattended Install
- Selanjutnya tekan angka “2” lalu ENTER. Pilih lokasi drive FD.(lihat gambar no.7)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com

gambar no.7 : Lokasi drive UFD
- Ketik angka “3” lalu tekan ENTER untuk mulai menyalin file2 instalasi XP kedalam FD. Baca kotak2 pertanyaan yg muncul dan iyakan saja.
8. Tahap pembuatan instalasi XP USB sudah selesai, tekan “Q” untuk menutup USB_MultiBoot_10.cmd.
Integrasi Hiren’s BootCD
1. Masukkan/mount CD/ISO Hiren’s dalam drive CD/DVD-ROM.
2. Copy folder HBCD dan file autorun.inf dari dalam drive Hiren’s BootCD ke dalam UFD.(lihat gambar no.8)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com
gambar no.8 : Copy file HBCD & Autorun.inf
3. Ekstrak file grub4dos.zip yang sudah didownload, kemudian copy file gldr dan file menu.lst dari hasil ekstraksi tersebut ke dalam UFD.(lihat gambar no.9)
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com
gambar no.9 : Copy file gldr & menu.Ist
Sekarang, FlashDisk USB multiboot sudah jadi dengan Windows XP dan Hiren’s BootCD di dalamnya. Tinggal mengatur BIOS PC/laptop supaya bisa booting dari USB FD.
Integrasi Windows 7/Vista
Copy semua isi DVD Windows 7/Vista kedalam UFD. Buka file menu.lst dalam UFD dengan notepad lalu tambahkan baris berikut didalamnya:(lihat gambar no.10)
title Windows 7 root (hd0,0) chainloader /bootmgr
1.title Windows 7
2.root (hd0,0)
3.chainloader /bootmgr
hiren's boot cd, flashdisk, Xp, Win 7, www.coolk45.blogdetik.com
gambar no.10 : kode yang wajib di masukkan
Selesai!! Special thanks for narcophilia for this tutorial info.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.